
Writing Meme

Deviation Actions

emberwing77's avatar

Literature Text

I. Choose up to five (5) of your favorite original story characters that will embark in this role-play. If you don't have five (5) then leave them blank (or create a character on the spot!) Be sure to give a little description of them:

1. Spook- Spook doesn't tend to relate well with many people. She works on first impressions and if someone disagrees with something she feels strongly about, or if someone just annoys her she isn't afraid to threaten them.
She does have her gentler side however and loves to goof around, have fun, and dance. When she DOES take a liking to someone, she is open, and funny. It doesn't look like she cares about anyone, and she sometimes doesn't mean for this to be so. She actually cares deeply for each of her few friends.

2. Sax- Sax is short-tempered, sarcastic and at times, can be verbally violent. She also has a bit of a habit of swearing. She has a slightly depressing outlook on life, and it's pretty hard to win an argument against her.  Like Spook, she isn't the best at clearly showing her affection for her friends. She is actually very insecure and it takes a lot of trust on her part to open up.

3. Lorrie- Lorrie for the most part is pretty friendly and likes to laugh. She's pretty blunt about things and is fond of explosives. Very fond. There always seem to be a few bombs hidden in her lab coat. She is a little short, but doesn't let it get to her. She can also be very intuitive when she isn't causing things to explode and has certain insights about her friends not everyone gets or fully understands.

4. Flik- Flik is womanizer, always sidling up to the females for some good flirting. He is a pilot, and a good one, despite his general laziness. Flik has had innumerable girl friends, but often will run off when he see's someone prettier. He just can't figure out why his old girlfriends hate him so much. Commitment isn't his strong point romantically, but as a friend he sticks with them until the end. He's supportive and a joker.

5. Isa- Isa is super shy and doesn't approach anyone. She is always hiding in her books, her eyesight is so bad that she needs glasses, allergic to many foods, and is really short to boot. It's hard to get past her shell, but once done, she is happy, like to laugh and a bit more outspoken. Isa is a genius with numbers and calculations of all sorts. Like Sax, she's insecure, but with herself instead of her surroundings.

II. One of your characters decides to make a grand entrance into a random tavern. How does that go? Pick either Character One  or Character Four :

The noisy atmosphere of the tavern, The Dancing Badger, fell silent as the door flew open with a bang. A short pale skinned Irken dropped her foot to the ground, walking in as though she hadn't almost busted the poor door off its hinges.
She ignored the stares of the occupants as she took a seat at the bar. Let's just say she was well known in these parts. She wasn't particularly strong or intimidating looking, but no one messed with Spook.
"Hey, Bob!" she called out. "I'll have a Mooshminkey." The multilimbed bartender Bob nodded profusely, hurrying to the back to bring up Spook's order.
The normal babble slowly started up again as people cautiously turned back to their conversations. Spook just rested her chin in her hand and stared at the wall.

III. Jealous, Character Three tries to make a grand entrance as well but somehow fails… why is that?

The tavern had barely returned to it's normal noise level when a loud bang was heard and the very abused front door was literally blown off it's hinges and crashed against the far wall. Heads turned as the smoke started to clear and a stumbling figure could be made out.
"Heeey, Spook!" giggled Lorrie, almost falling over. "Ya forgot me… you weren't seriously planning to go save the world without me were you? Heh heh…"
Spook sighed, pushing her chair back. "Only you could get completely intoxicated before even setting foot inside a tavern."
"No way man, I can drink way more than you ever could," chortled Lorrie, stumbling forward. "Did you know that if you mix certain explosive properties with alcohol that it could enhance the actual implosion?"
Spook stood up, slinging over arm over her friends shoulder and hauling her into a chair. "No, I didn't. And for Tallests sake, don't try it here. Let's get some sense into your head before you cause some serious damage. One of us is going to have to pay for the door you busted at any rate."
"B-but it was evil." Hiccupped Lorrie. "Evil door. It's gonna take over the world…"
"Sure it is." Said Spook with a sigh. "You goofball."

IV. A character is surrounded by many enemies and decides that the only thing they can do is fight! How does that go? Pick either Character Two or Character Five

Sax cursed, willing herself to run faster. This was what came of taking a shortcut in an alley- now she was completely lost and had no idea where she was. Worse yet, several someone's were following her, she could hear the footsteps. She supposed she could stop and ask whoever they were for directions, but she wasn't taking chances.
She was going so fast around a corner, she almost slammed face first into the tall cinderblock wall rising up to cut off the alley. "Shit." She hissed, spinning around on her heel. But it was too late; three men had cut off her escape route back the way she'd come. They looked wasted and completely out of it, but there was no mistaking the unnerving glint in their eyes.
Well then, thought Sax. Nothing to do but to fight back. One of the men started towards her, shuffling. "Hey there pretty lady-" he started to say before a very pissed off Sax whipped her hand out and slapped him.
"Alright, that's it." She said, kicking the man's shin. "Lay off! Shoo! Go hang out with some other hobo's. This pretty lady is fucking out of here."
The man stumbled back a few steps, surprise clear on his face. Before any of them had a chance to collect themselves, Sax stepped forward and punched one of them in the face. Fighting wasn't her strength at all, but she had watched Pai and Matrix duke it out against each other for sport before.
Sax raised her foot and kicked the next one as he neared. Backing up, she looked up, spotting a windowsill, not that far above her. Her Pak legs sprang out and she jumped up, fingers reaching for the ledge. They caught hold and she scrambled to pulled herself up onto her elbows. Swinging her leg over the cinderblock wall, she scowled down at her persecutors. "Screw you." She growled, flashing a very rude gesture in their direction before hopping down the other side.

V. Character Three is depressed and decides to get drunk.

"Sax, I think something's wrong with Lorrie."
"Go away, I'm trying to read. Lorrie's a big girl and she can take care of herself." Sax grumbled, shaking off Gizmo and turning back to her mystery novel.
Gizmo shook her head, her short antennae whipping back and forth. "I don't think so. She crying and stuff. It scares me Sax. Come with me."
That got Sax's attention. She lowered the book a bit and peered at Gizmo. "You sure?"
"Yeah, I found her in the lab, just curled up in the corner. She doesn't look so good Sax. She told me to go away and I don't know what to do." Gizmo said, her eyes wide.
Sax sighed, sticking a bookmark in and putting the novel down on the chair. "This better be good."
Gizmo grabbed Sax's sleeve and tugged her along impatiently along the halls. "Come on, come on!" she urged. "Hurry up!"
Sax pushed open the door to Lorrie's laboratory, peering in. It was dark in there, the lights weren't on. "Hey Lorrie? You in here?"
There was a small grunt of "Go away." From the corner and Sax stepped in. "Gizmo, why don't you go play somewhere? We'll be out soon." Gizmo paused, looking hesitant. Sax glowered down at her and the child reluctantly slunk away down the hall.
Sax flicked the light switch on the wall, but nothing happened. Odd. She shrugged, walking to the farthest corner of the room. "Lorrie, I know you're in here, what's wrong?" A huddled figure caught her attention and Sax kneeled down, staring at her friend.
Lorrie looked awful. She was shaking and her lab coat was torn. She looked sick. "Hey buddy." Said Sax softly. "Let's get you to Jex."
Lorrie pulled away, staring at Sax with haunted eyes. "No! Not Jex! I'm staying right here!"
Sax frowned, tilting her head. "You're drunk." She declared. "But that doesn't make sense. You've been drunk before and all you've done is giggle and spout nonsense."
"Not been feeling great lately." Muttered Lorrie. "Been angry. Been feeling cooped up lately. Yelling at Gizmo. Not her fault."
Sax sighed, reaching out and laying a hand on Lorrie shoulder. "Well why didn't you tell anyone you silly person? You know it's all for one and one for all here. You can't just open a bottle every time you're feeling down, it doesn't work like that."
Lorrie only moaned, curling up tighter. "I feel sick."
"Well no wonder." Frowned Sax. "Come on, up you get. We're going straight to Jex." Sax gently grabbed hold of Lorrie's hand and too her relief she felt her friends grip tighten in response.
Lorrie stood up slowly, leaning on the wall for support. "Everything's spinning." She muttered, stumbling forward a step.
"Easy does it." Said Sax, letting her friend lean on her. "We'll take it slowly. I'm not leaving you behind." She kicked open the door as the neared and Lorrie coughed, raising a hand to shield her against the sudden light. Sax sighed, shuffling forward slowly. Lorrie kept on almost falling and was coughing. In the light her darker skinned friend was looking alarmingly pale.
"Sax, Lorrie!" Sax looked up to see Gizmo tugged a bewildered looking Spook and Pai in her wake. "There, I told you!"
Spook's face paled a little, looking at her intoxicated friend. "The hell?"
Pai only shook her head, darting forward to help Sax support Lorrie. "Let's just get to Jex."
Lorrie coughed. "I love ya guys, you know that?"
Spook only rolled her eyes and patted Lorrie's head. "We know buddy, we know."

VI. An event like no other takes place and Character One and Character Two get into a battle to the death. Who wins?

"No way!" shouted Spook, catching sight of her opponent. "No way in hell! I am done with this stupid "fight to the death thing!" She crossed her arms and glowered at the two Tallests sitting in their private box in the stadium.
Astounded babble immediately burst out. Defying the Tallest? The nerve. This had never happened before. Where was the blood and gore?
A loudspeaker crackled and a voice rang out. "You'll fight Saxelene and you'll like it! The Death Tournament cannot be postponed. Fight or we shall be forced to take…extreme action."
Spook's face paled and she glanced at her friend, Sax, who was looking equally thunderstruck, for once lost for words. "Saxelene?" she managed weakly.
"My full name." muttered Sax, glaring at the stadium in general. "I didn't choose to be here, we were just picked."
The crowd burst into encouraging screams, cheering for either Spook of Sax. "Kill! Kill! Kill!" the cheer rang out, pounding against Spook's antennae. "This is bullshit." She decided, squaring her shoulders and folding her arms and dropping the crude club she's been given.
The loudspeaker crackled again. "You give us no choice you two. We shall be forced to harm your other friends, and I'm sure we don't want that."
Spook paused, grinding her teeth. So, they must have the rest of the crew for motivational purposes in this bogus tournament. Damn them all to hell.
She stumbled forward a step in surprise as something hard swung into her back. Whirling around, she stared at Sax, who was looking like she was about to cry. "I'm sorry." She whispered, swinging again. Spook snarled, diving to the side and snatching up her own club. "So that's how we're playing it, is it?"
"Didn't you hear what they said?" yelled Sax. "They're going to hurt everyone else if we don't do this. This shouldn't be hard for you, you hate most of us anyway!"
Spook stared at Sax, mouth open in surprise. "Is that what you really think?" she whispered, feeling like Sax had just hit her.
"Don't even try to deny it!" snarled Sax, her face contorting as she swung her long club. "You've never liked any of us except Pai! Shutting us out! Shunning us! Treating us like garbage!" Every shouted statement was punctuated by a swing of the club and Spook felt blood fly out of her mouth as the last struck home.
"Th-that's not true." She spat, stumbling back and wiping her mouth with a hand.
"If you're not willing to fight for you're friends, then I'LL do it!" screamed Sax, looking utterly deranged. "Screw you to hell Spook!" Spook cried out as the steel club connected with her skull, sending white-hot fire lacing around her cranium.
Falling to the ground, Spook didn't notice the tears as she stared up at Sax. She was crying too. "You're wrong." She whispered, the mere effort of saying those words sending pain shooting through her skull. "You're the only friends I've ever had."
Sax stared down at her, the club raised high above her head, tears streaking down her face. Her fedora had fallen off, leaving her curly antenna free to wave in the air. "KILL! KILL! KILL!" the crowd screamed, driven into a bloodthirsty frenzy.
"I…I understand." Whispered Sax, gripping the bat so hard her knuckles had turned white.
Spook stared into the blue gray eyes of her friend, not bothering to wipe away the tears on her own face. "Tell Pai that I'm sorry." She whispered.
Sax shuddered, understanding as Spook tensed and closed her eyes. The bat swung down harder than Sax could have ever thought her little arms could muster. There was a sickening crack as the club struck.
There was a collective scream of glee as a loud voice announced. "And the winner is Saxelene!"
Sax dropped the club, hands shaking. "What have I done?" she whispered, dropping to her knees. She let out a scream, holding her head in her hands.

VII. Character Four or Character Five accidentally drink a love potion. Who do they fall in love with first? Character Two or Character Three?

Sax stretched in her chair, adjusting her fedora and greedily devouring the mystery novel in her hands. A loud bang made her flinch and she slammed the thick book shut, glaring at the direction the bang had come from. "What now?" she demanded.
"I loooove you!" swooned Flik, draping his arms over the top of the armchair.
"Um…" said Sax.
"No!" said a soft voice, speaking up. "I love her."
Sax twisted to see the normally placid Isa pushing against Flik. "What the hell guys? I'm amazing and all but…seriously…"
Lorrie dashed in next, looking hassled. "Not you too." Said Sax, shooting a glare at Lorrie as though expecting her to declare her undying love for Sax as well.
"Um, how do I explain this…I needed test subject for this serum I made and I think it's a love potion." Said Lorrie with an apologetic grin. "Oops?"
"OOPS?" thundered Sax, shoving Flik off her and jumping up. "I have enough trouble with Caine as it is without Flik sticking his nose in. And Isa…just….no."
"I'll get on an antidote right away!" promised Lorrie.
"You better." Growled Sax, shaking Isa off her arm. "Just wait until Caine see's this…"

VIII. Since Character Four or Character Five are under a love spell, how do they try to spoil their partner?

"I got you flowers."
"Hmm?" Sax looked up from her plate of food to see Isa peeking shyly at her from a large bundle of daisies. How and when she had gotten the flowers Sax didn't really want to know. "Uh, thanks, Isa." Said Sax, taking the flowers. "They're nice…"
Flik sidled up, bumping the much smaller Irken out of the way. "I got you chocolate." He said smugly, holding up a heart shaped container. "With caramel inside, just as you like it!"
Sax took the tin, giving Flik a weird look. "How do you know I love caramel chocolate best?"
Isa sniffed, staring at Sax with a hurt expression. "You don't like my flowers? They're Bellis perennis."
Sax coughed, looking at her two friends. "No, they're great Isa. But…Let's face it, I'm straight. And you're only acting like this because Lorrie force fed you some weird potion."
Isa looked away, blushing furiously and looking like she was about to cry. Crap, Sax thought.
Flik only smirked. "Shall we go frolic my love?" he said, kneeling down and kissing her hand. Sax jerked it away, wrinkling her nose at Flik. "That goes for you too lover boy." Lorrie better find that antidote fast, thought Sax.

IX. Character Two tries to steal from either Character One or Character Five. Do they succeed?

Sax looked up and down the hall, and then at the door she was standing in front of. Isa was nowhere to be found and Sax didn't want to waste anymore time looking for her tiny friend. She was sure the mild mannered Irken wouldn't mind her going into her room and borrowing the next book in the series she was reading.
Pushing open the door, it swung forward, revealing a dimly lit room. Flicking on the lights, Sax almost gasped. "The hell Isa." She almost laughed, seeing the room's contents.
Mountain upon mountain of books rose from the floor, some tottering dangerously to one side as though it would fall any second. Sax closed the door behind her, not sure where to start. This was Isa- there was sure to be an organized system in all this extraordinary jungle. Isa couldn't stand mess.
Where's the furniture? Sax wondered as she moved over to inspect the nearest mountain. As far as she could tell there wasn't any furniture- just books. There had to be hundreds.
A minute's inspection told Sax that this pile was all books on biology, this section of the mountain on plants it seemed. Interesting, but not what she was looking for. She needed the mystery section.
Stepping carefully around the very narrow paths in between mountains, she inspected each as she moved past. There was technology, fantasy, mechanical engineering, mathematics, but no mystery.
Finally, Sax spotted the book she needed, the red bound novel teetering on top of a pile about logic skills. "Make's sense I guess." Muttered Sax as she reached out on her toes, but she fingers came short a centimeter. "How on earth does Isa get the books at the top?" she wondered aloud. Resting a hand on another book, she tried again. "Almost got it…Ha!" Sax grabbed the book, stepping back.
Her moment of triumph was briefly cut off as her back bumped forcefully into the pile behind her. The books started to slide forward. "Shit!" said Sax, backing up into yet too more piles. Books slid forward, more than she thought could have been stacked. Falling backward, she felt the weight of them as they covered her body as they fell. There seemed to be no end to them.

Isa opened her door and gasped. Her books! "Oh no!" she said out loud, hopping in. It seemed about four piles had all collapsed while she was gone. There was a muffled noise and something shifted underneath the heavy crushing books.
Isa's eyes widened and she skillfully darted forward, starting to dig through the books to whoever was trapped underneath. A hand burst out and Isa grabbed it, hauling backwards. Books slid away, allowing Sax to come up, her arms and face a little bruised. "Ow."
Isa smiled sheepishly. "It's happened to me before, no worries. They're heavier than they look aren't they?" Sax only grunted, digging her bruised legs out. "I was only coming in to find the next book in the series I'm reading."
"Oh, you mean "Book" by Author?" said Isa.
"Yeah, that one."
"Did you find it?" asked Isa, already starting to sort some of the books back into there respective piles.
"Yeah," said Sax grumpily. "The only problem is I let go when the avalanche started."

X. Character Three throws a slumber party but only invites one person. Which character did they invite?

Lorrie jumped up with a grin as the knock sounded, opening the door. "Hey!" she grinned.
"Hi!" said Pai, already dressed in her pajamas and holding a pillow and a stuffed wolf toy that was almost as big as she was. "Sorry I'm late."
"Where's Spook and Sax?" said Lorrie, peering around her larger friend.
Pai sighed. "Spook isn't feeling well tonight and you know how Sax is."
Lorrie shrugged. "Their loss. We'll just have to kidnap Sax next time and MAKE her come!"
"Sounds like a plan." Said Pai, stepping in and closing the door behind her. "I brought the Star Trek DVD's. Technically they're Spooks, but whatever. I know she's busy kicking her sci-fi butt about missing this marathon."
"I'll get the popcorn!" declared Lorrie, dashing out of the room.
Pai watched her go and set the wolf on the floor. "Make yourself comfy Thor." Then she tapped the disguised earpiece attached to her antennae. "Can you hear me?"
"Course I can hear you." Came the reply. "What's the situation?"
"Lorrie's getting the popcorn." Grinned Pai. "Are we all good for operation Klingon?"
"Ready and standing by. Remember, the codeword is "buttercups." I'll set everything off once you've said that."
"Okey dokey." Said Pai cheerfully. "Red leader, standing by."

Lorrie yawned, stretching in her sleeping bag. "Man I love Star Trek…"
"Who doesn't?" commented Pai, leaning against Thor and picking up the remote, turning off the TV. "It's almost 4 am. Two more hours until it technically counts as an all nighter."
"But what will we dooo?" said Lorrie. "We made it through Star Trek- the original series and Deep Space Nine."
"…Go folic in the fields amongst the buttercups?" suggested Pai, grinning.
Lorrie snorted. "Sorry to disappoint your nature lovingness, but we're on a ship, not in a forest."
Suddenly there was a loud bang somewhere in the hall. "What was that?" said Lorrie, sitting up.
"Maybe it's…ghoooosts!" said Pai, waving her arms in the air.
"Don't be an idiot." Said Lorrie. "We'd know by now if the ship as haunted."
"Let's go see what it is." Said Pai eagerly, standing up and brushing popcorn off her lap. Opening the door, she peered down the hall. Lorrie peeked out after her, curiosity getting the best of her.
"Short people first." Said Pai, stepping aside.
"Hardy har har." Said Lorrie. "Come on you big dork." Walking down the corridor, she rubbed sleep from her eyes. "It all looks fine." She said, turning around. "Pai?" she said, blinking. Where did she go? Sure Pai was fast, but she couldn't just disappear. Starting to walk back to her room, she yawned.
A huge sheet of steel slammed down in front of her, blocking the way. "Crap!" Lorrie yelled, stumbling back. "What the-" Another loud clang told her another wall had descended behind her, trapping her in the hall. "Ooookay."
That was when a steady stream of water splashed down from the ceiling. Lorrie yelped and jumped back, pressing her back against one of the walls. "What is this?!" she yelled, pounding on the wall. "Let me out!"
The water was pouring fast and it was already swirling around her thighs, impossible as it seemed. Fear made her freeze and she shook.
"Screw this!" Lorrie gasped, fingers fumbling for a bomb. Grabbing it, she slammed it onto the wall and stumbled back. A few seconds passed and the small explosive detonated, blowing the steel open.
Lorrie was swept off her feet as the water escaped and she came to a stop on her side, breathing raggedly.
"Hmm, that was disappointingly quick." Lorrie looked up to see Spook looking down at her, a remote control in her hand. "Pai, you didn't tell me she still kept explosives on her even in her night clothes."
"How was I supposed to know?" said Pai, jogging up beside her best friend. "Hey Lorrie!"
Lorrie leaped to her feet, sopping wet and scowling. "THE FUCK WAS THAT?" she yelled, grabbing Spook's jacket.
"Operation Klingon." Said Spook calmly.
"What did Kingons have to DO with it?!" Lorrie demanded.
"Well, nothing. It just sounded cool." Said Pai.
"Well….well…" Lorrie seemed at a loss for words in her fury.  Her fist swung out and landed on Spook's face. Spook let out a surprised yelp and Lorrie turned around and stomped back to her room.
Spook stared after her, looking bewildered and rubbing her cheek. "Maybe we shouldn't have done that." Said Pai quietly.
"Maybe." Said Spook thoughtfully.

XI. All of the Characters get together for a 'wholesome' dinner… does it go well? Give details.

"Dinner's ready!" declared Sax. "Everyone go to the common room, I'll bring the food."
There was much uneasy grumbling as everyone sat down. Sax walked in, with plates of what looked like jelly charcoal on it. "Eat up." She commanded cheerfully.
Spook poked her suspiciously with a fork. The charcoal like stuff growled and grabbed at the spoon, tugging it into its gelatinous depths. "…why are you cooking again?" said Spook.
"Because Flik is ill and we can't expect him to feed us." Said Jex.
"Bleh!" Liz wrinkled her nose and pushed her plate away with disgust. "I'm not touching this shit!"
Sax's face darkened and she leaned down to Liz's height. "EAT."
"I wish Flik was cooking." Whimpered Gizmo, staring apprehensively at her own plate.
"I'll eat it!" said Caine cheerfully, picking up his fork. "How bad can it be when it was prepared by such a lovely maiden?"
Everyone fell silent as they stared at Caine. "You brave, brave soul." Said Jex.
"Godspeed Caine." Said Pai.
Caine raised an eyebrow. "It can't be that bad." He said, bringing a forkful to his mouth.
Everyone stared as Caine chewed a bit. His face was carefully blank as he swallowed. "Delicious." He managed to croak out, giving a thumb up to Sax. Then he fell over.
"Well that's one way to get rid of a troublesome boyfriend." Observed Spook as she watched Caine writhe on the floor.

XII. Mysteriously, Character One dies. Character Three and Character Five are the only ones around.  How do they react?

"What did you do?!" demanded Lorrie, staring at Spook's motionless body on the floor.
"W-what did YOU do?" whimpered Isa. "She just…collapsed."
"Oh man." Said Lorrie. "Oh man oh man oh man…"
"I'll get Jex." Said Isa shakily, turning and dashing off down the hall, calling for the medic.
Lorrie knelt beside her friend, poking her cautiously. She had never been very good about medicine. Was she supposed to leave her be or pick her up and run for the medical bay? Spook was slightly bigger than she was, but Lorrie was reasonably strong.
Isa and Jex burst into the room, huffing. Jex skidded to a halt beside Spook, flipping open a pocket medical kit. She grabbed Spook's wrist and waited a moment. "She's alive." She declared. "But just. I need to treat her immediately.
Lorrie nodded woodenly, kneeling down and picking up Spook like a baby. She stood up, grunting. Spook was heavier than she looked.
Pai burst in, almost breaking the door in her rush. She didn't say anything- she just saw Spook and took her out of Lorrie's arms, slung her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and started sprinting towards the medical bay. "Hey, wait up!" Jex protested, dashing after them. Isa and Lorrie followed a moment later. Lorrie's head pounded and she felt like her heart was going to claw its way out of her chest.
This couldn't happen to Spook. Not Spook of all people. She was always strong, always sure of herself, always ready for whatever life threw her way. She couldn't die!
Lorrie burst into the medical bay. Pai had already laid her best friend on a bed and Jex was checking her over, for once moving purposefully and gracefully instead of her usual clumsy self.
"What happened?" Jex's usually gentle voice was sharp and it took a moment for Lorrie to realize she was addressing her and Isa.
"She started coughing." Said Isa shakily. "She said she was fine…and then she fainted."
"What?" Lorrie blinked in surprise.
"I said get out!" snarled Jex. "Spook needs quiet."
Pai crossed her arms, planting her feet into the ground. "I'm staying. As your captain I demand to stay."
Jex looked up at her for a moment before sighing. "Right. Lorrie, Isa, out. Try not to get everyone in a panic."
Isa scurried out the door and Lorrie followed reluctantly. Closing it quietly, she leaned against the wall, feeling a little dizzy. "This isn't happening." She muttered.
"What's going on?" Sax turned the corner, frowning at her friend's pale faces. "You two look like you've seen a ghost."
"S-something like that." Whimpered Isa.
"Spook…Spook isn't feeling great." Said Lorrie, biting her lip. "Jex is seeing to her and…I don't think it's good news."
It didn't take long for the word to spread like wildfire. Soon everyone was crowded outside the medical bay doors. It seemed like days had passed by the time the door opened. Jex steeped out into the hall. She looked frazzled and tired. Her hands hung limply by her side but she forced herself to meet everyone's questioning gaze, all asking the same thing.
"She's gone."

XIII. Character Three gets into an accident. What were they riding? How did it happen?

"Whooo!" yelled Lorrie as she pressed her foot to the gas pedal. The wind whipped her antennae around and her lab coat flew out behind her. "Totally extreme!"
Revving the motorcycle, she blasted down the deserted streets. She laughed out loud, turning a sharp corner.
The nighttime air was cool against her skin and the starts glittered ice cold above her. She stared up at them, humming contentedly to herself.
But she wasn't looking at the road in front of her when a large hovercraft careened around the corner.
Lorrie felt herself fly through the air as her own smaller motorbike smashed into the hovercraft with a deafening screech.
Slamming to the ground, she felt the heat of the implosion the crash caused. Finally rolling to a stop, she couldn't move. Couldn't think. The pain…the pain as all she knew.
Drawing a shaking hand from her side she saw that blood covered it. "Oh god." She whimpered, her breath coming in short gasps. "Oh no."
The hovercraft had also crashed a little ways ahead of her, but nothing moved, no one stumbled out of it. She was alone, alone and hurt in the middle of the night.
"Help." She whispered. "Someone please help."

XIV. Character Two tries to get a job with the help of Character Three and Character Four. How did that go?

"Remember," said Flik. "It's all about being positive and friendly."
Lorrie nodded encouragingly. "Be yourself!"
Sax looked dubiously at the both of them. Somehow being positive and being myself doesn't seem to mix."
Lorrie shrugged "Ah, you know what we mean. Just forget your crappy resume and leave the interviewer with a good impression!"
"You're forgetting that I've had about fifteen different jobs and I've been fired from them all within a week." Said Sax, adjusting her scarf sulkily.
"What did Lorrie just say about your resume?" said Flik sternly. "Besides, you've kept this job! You won't even start this new one immediately, you're just getting ready for when this one ends."
"Yeah," muttered Sax. "Right." Well, it was best to be prepared right? Yes, The Explorer paid well…and she'd made friends…good friends…but it couldn't last forever. She needed something to go to once it ended. And working at a candy factory seemed to fit the bill. After all, there was the candy. But it didn't stop her from feeling melancholy about the whole thing.
"Hey, you okay?" Sax blinked as Flik poked her. "Earth to Sax!"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Sax sighed. "Listen, maybe this can wait a while."
Lorrie paused in her interview note shuffling, gazing at Sax. "Alright." She said after a pause. "I understand."
"Huh?" said Flik, looking between Lorrie and Sax in confusion. "Understand what?"
"Oh nothing." Sax and Lorrie said together, sharing a smile.

XV. Character Three or Character Four decide to leave a tavern. How does that go? Why did they leave?

"It's the- Eye of the Tiger, it's the thrill of the fight!" sang out Flik in a drunken stupor, holding the microphone and dancing on the karaoke stage. Below, people watched and clapped enthusiastically.
"Yeah, go Flik!" chortled Lorrie, taking a swig from her mug.
"The eye of the tiiiiigeeeeeer!" Flik finished, grinning like an idiot. "Thank you, thank you very much." There was a collective "EEEEEEEEEE!" from all the girls as they swarmed the stage. Flik just grinned. "Please, ladies, there's enough of me to go around."
Lorrie watched it all, amused. Then her watch beeped and she looked down at her wrist in surprise, it was later than she thought. Fighting her way through the crowd of admiring females, Lorrie grabbed onto his wrist. "Come on lover boy." She said. "We need to go meet up with the others."
"Why do you get him?" whined one of the girls and the other joined in.
Lorrie only giggled, swaying a little. "Cause we're co workers and right now fly boy needs to get his butt moving. See ya!"
Flik struggled against Lorries grip. "Can't we wait a bit?"
"No." said Lorrie firmly, dragging him along.
"I'll call you!" shouted Flik as Lorrie kicked open the door. "I promiiiise!"

XVI. Character One wakes up in the bed with a random character of your choice!

Spook yawned turning over in her bed. Oh man she was tired. She'd stayed up for three days straight working on her new project. She'd promised herself a small hours nap but a look at the digital clock by her bed said she'd been sleeping for well over twelve hours.
Oh well…thought Spook sleepily. Her hand brushed against something warm and she yawned. "Hey Pai." She said groggily. "Another nightmare?" Turning to face her friend she froze, eyes wide.
That wasn't Pai.
"OUT!" Spook yelled, grabbing the wrench lying by her bed and swinging.
"OW!" yelped Flik, rolling off the bed with a thump. "What was that for?!"
"What are you doing in my room?" yelled Spook, wielding the wrench threateningly.
"Sleeping." Said Flik meekly. "Someone stole my bed of all things. You couldn't possibly expect me to sleep on the floor like a hobo!"
Spook paused, eyeing him.
Flik rolled over a few times as Spook almost literally threw him out of her room, slamming the door for good measure. "Geez." He muttered, sitting up sleepily. "What a spaz."

XVII. A character of your choice becomes a supreme being and creates the world in their image.

Spook smiled as she surveyed the landscape. It was a truly glorious sight- fire raged, screams could be heard, and her robot army marched through the land, taking over.
She had a fine view from her spaceship in the atmosphere. It had finally come true. I had taken a lot of work to get here, but Spook didn't mind- she was a workaholic after all.
This planet was the first to go- then she'd take more, and more. Soon she would challenge the Irken Empire. And she would win. It was all within her grasp- power, fame, glory. All hers.
"I take it things are going well?" Spook looked over to see the familiar scarred face of her friend, Pai.
"Yeah. It feels kind of surreal, you know? It feels good…power feels good." Pai nodded, looking out over the landscape. Spook smiled appreciatively. Pai was a woman of few words, but she was always there for her. "How's everyone else?"
"Comfortable." Said Pai, her hands in her pockets. "Some are more…ready than others."
Spook felt something in her tighten a little. "Ah…" Her friends had known she had dreamed of ruling supreme, but only Pai had taken her seriously on it.
You're an abomination! Spook winced as Sax's hateful words echoed in her mind. "Pai…do they…do they hate me?"
Pai paused, considering her answer. "No." she said finally. "They're surprised. In shock. Frightened even."
"Frightened?" Spook frowned. "But…I'm their friend. Why should they be afraid? I'm not going to hurt them, they should know that!"
"Well maybe you're going about it the wrong way." Said Pai. "All they've known is the Empire and here you come, guns blazing and lock them in a room. A nice room, but locked in none the less. You have to admit, you're way of going about things isn't the most diplomatic thing."
Spook scowled. "There isn't any other way. You've seen this happen before Pai. Sometimes, violence is the answer. But it's for the greater good. Mine will be a better Empire. Better run, better managed. That's my vision. Why don't they see it?!" Spook banged her fist against a wall in frustration.
"Give them time." Said Pai calmly. "They'll see soon."
"Even Sax?" said Spook, looking out of the window.
"Even Sax." Said Pai. "We're all in this together. Things will get better."
"I hope so." Sighed Spook. "I'm…glad you're my friend."
"Me too." Said Pai with a small smile. "Me too."

XVIII. Before we go, all of your characters want to take a moment to ask you (their creator) for something that they have always wanted.

1. Spook- To be admired. To be looked up to by both my few friends and the universe at large.

2. Sax- …Security. Safety. I want to feel safe. Emotionally, financially, and romantically. That's what I want…

3. Lorrie- To triumph! To reach for the stars and go as far as I can! Preferably as fast as I can too!

4. Flik- To be a star! Woohoo! And score some hot chics, that'd be great too!

5. Isa- To live my dreams and turn fantasy into reality utilizing knowledge.
Well, that was fun. Some stories I'm more satisfied with than others, but overall, it was great fun to do.

1. Ho hum, introducing characters...
2. Not that Spook tends to drink. But she sure is feared, why this is I'm not entirely sure...
3. Lorrie on the other hand, is okay with getting drunk as a skunk every once in a while and she is a pretty funny drunk at that
4. Not much to say here other than Sax's defense skills are okay. If those guys had been sober/not high...she'd be in some deep doo doo.
5. This was interesting to write. I honestly had no clue what Lorrie would get depressed about.
6. Ha! Surprised you didn't I? You thought Spook would win xD Nu uh, she ain't killing Sax.
7. Why's it always Sax who has the romantic problems? xD Caine's gonna bust a vein
8. Future note: Sax likes caramel chocolate
9. Her room is organized chaos. As for how she reaches the top books, I think she has mountain climbing gear somewhere and just uses those ice picks to get up. There's also hidden underground tunnels composed of books that wind their way underneath the piles. I want her room.
10. Lorrie hates water. Spook can be a jerk.
11. And this is why Sax isn't allowed in the kitchen anymore.
12. ...why's it always Spook who's dying? Seriously...
13. Ow.
14. Sax's resume is truly a monster to behold |D
15. Flik's actually has a high singing voice. Oh yeah, and his scream is hilarious. Completely girly.
16. Spook doesn't like sharing her living quarters, especially not with the likes of Flik. Pai is the only exception to this rule cause Pai gets a little ridiculous when she has nightmares.
17. Spooks dream is to take over the Empire. Evilly. But she wants her friends at her side while she does it.
18. in short: Spook likes to be looked up to, both Sax and Isa are insecure, Flik and Lorrie just want to rock out and have fun.

original meme- [link]
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warriorcatroseeyes's avatar
I like the approach you took with 16 -- most people would take it pervertedly.
Sorry Flik, better luck next time!

I really liked 6 -- very dramatic! 7 and 11 made me bust a gut, I swear, haha!